We have been cleaning and organizing for days with supplies sent over for the earthquake relief that have yet to find a proper home after the depot was destroyed in the shaking.
Now....before I leave....I want to give my parents, especially my mom, some semblance of warmth in her home, in spite of the cracks in the wall. So I remove the wooden eagles from the living room wall.
As I do, I have flashbacks from my childhood from the vantage point of these eagles - dancing to the credits of movies, teasing my sister, reading & watching TV at the same time, eating meals with my family, singing songs, dreaming, loving, living.....
I look at the eagle.
It is covered in ashes.
I pause.
These eagles have seen a side of the island that I have not.
They have seen it shaken, torn apart, devastated in a way that the people living on it today have never experienced before.
They have felt the building sway, the floor beneath them tremble, the walls crack and crack.
They bear the scars.
They wear the dust.
And yet, there they have hung....on this wall.
Standing firm.
"Kembe fem" - that's what the Haitians say.
Hold fast. Be strong. Stand firm.
And I choke back the tears.
My parents, my family, my island, my people have been through a horror so desperate to the core that many are often heard saying that they would rather face 3 hurricanes back-to-back over 1 earthquake.
And yet.....
They....like these eagles....are still here.
Moving forward.
Defeated....NO! Definitely....NO!
As I type, I remember.....
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Isaiah 40:31
Wow! I have so much still to learn. In my own sorrow, grief, sense of loss, and journey of faith, my waiting has becoming tiring, and I have TOO often become weary.
But I remember the eagles.
The wooden ones.
The real ones.
I remember my parents, the people, this nation with strength from the Lord.....like eagles.
So, I carry on....
I move forward.
One step at a time.
I dust off the ashes.
To all who mourn in Israel,
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.
In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks
that the Lord has planted for his own glory.
Isaiah 61:3

Well said, Lindsey. And the work done this week could not have been done without the help of you and Kasi! Thanks for coming and sharing your time with us. Your work is an encouragement to me to keep moving forward along the path the Lord has for us here in Haiti Thank you..
oh lindsay, how you soar... how your words rise high and remind us all to look up, into his beautiful face. thank you.
Thanks, Carole! Enjoy your MUCH needed and MUCH deserved rest this summer! May our precious Father refresh you and rejuvenate you for His plans and purposes which He has for you!
Oh, Emily! Your comments here are always so encouraging that JUST because of them, I, too feel that I can soar! Thank you for stopping by, sharing your heart, and being REAL!
Hi Lindsey. It's been a while since I stopped by and didn't even know you were in Haiti. I had to go back and read several of your posts to catch up. It is amazing and wonderful what you are and your family are doing. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH.
I found your site through Imperfect Prose. I'm so glad that you posted this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your courage, and a reminder to let God lift us up when we're not feeling it ourselves.
I always appreciate you stopping over! So I missed thanking you back in June...busy summer....as I am sure yours was too!
Amen. Thanks so much for that. Apologies for the delay in expressing my gratitude for you stopping by. I truly appreciate it.
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