The Love Bandit: My Favorite Valentine's Day Story
Now, I was never one of those single girls to "sit around and feel sorry for myself."
What was the point?
What would THAT accomplish?
In college, I would get together with a couple of other girls, and we would plan elaborate schemes for our entire dorm floor -- balloons in the hallway, bags of chocolates by each door, and personalized heart-felt notes tucked inside, so that when our dorm mates woke up in the morning, before they walked into a lobby filled with candies & flowers WITHOUT their names on any of the gifts, they would know they were loved.
Those were beautiful memories that I cherish always.....
A few years later, at the age of 25, I found myself single AGAIN on Valentine's Day having experienced a heart-breaking break up 6 months before from an almost-3-year relationship.
There again, I had a decision to make.
Will I wallow?
If anyone had a reason to wallow on THIS Valentine's Day, it was me right? I mean, I thought I was going to marry the guy. I wasn't in it for 3 years for NOTHING!
But again, what would that really accomplish?
Sorry. Angst. Feeling-sorry-for-myself.
I called up my girlfriends and cooked up some plans. We decided to book a table at a fancy restaurant, dress up real classy & elegant, and celebrate love in friendship. We did that for a couple of years, and I think we often had MORE fun than lots of couples seated around us!
So 6 years ago, I walked into my office with my girlfriend plans in place AGAIN, but with a longing that had grown that year. In fact, that morning, I had wrestled with God, "Have you forgotten about ME? Some of my 21-year-old girlfriends are finding the love of their lives, and here I am, serving you, being obedient, and NO PROSPECTS IN SIGHT!!"
And then just the quietest of whispers.
That still small voice.
He's coming soon....
No qualifications. No details. No timeline.
So of course, I say, "What does THAT mean? 1000 years are like a day to you! THAT could mean anything!"
I tried to squash hope, but I could feel it growing in my spirit in spite of my heart & mind's attempt to suffocate it.
So I walked into that office with hope that day.
Hope in what I could not/did not/would not see with my natural eyes.
Hope had FAITH eyes.
My pastor's wife/aunt walked into the office that day and handed me a stuffed raccoon, with a Zorro type mask in the shade of red over his face, called The Love Bandit, and she said to me half-joking, half-serious, "The Love Bandit is coming to get you soon."
And much to MY surprise these are the words that popped out of my mouth.
"Yeah, by this time next year, I will be engaged or married!"
What? Did I just say that out loud? Oh, no! I am not one of those CRAZY RADICAL FAITH people! Why did I say that OUT LOUD??
Knowing ME, she looked surprised, but then HER faith kicked into FULL GEAR and she said, "Okay, then. I am going to stand in faith with you."
2 months later, the man who was to be the love of my life flew from Africa to fill the children's pastor position at our church.
A little over a month after that, he asked me to marry him.
And 6 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days from the MEMORABLE Valentine's Day, I said, "I DO!" to that beautiful man.
When God says to trust HIM, to believe in HIM, to have faith in HIM, why would I doubt? I wish I could say that because of this radical work that God did in my life that I NEVER doubted Him again, but that would not be true.
All I can say is "His grace is sufficient for me, and His power is (and continues to be) made perfect in my weakness."
Today, I want to say THANK YOU to my GREAT BIG AMAZING HEAVENLY DAD for bringing me the MOST AMAZING MAN.
It is MY pleasure to KEEP saying "I DO" to him each day for the rest of our lives.
A few years later, at the age of 25, I found myself single AGAIN on Valentine's Day having experienced a heart-breaking break up 6 months before from an almost-3-year relationship.
There again, I had a decision to make.
Will I wallow?
If anyone had a reason to wallow on THIS Valentine's Day, it was me right? I mean, I thought I was going to marry the guy. I wasn't in it for 3 years for NOTHING!
But again, what would that really accomplish?
Sorry. Angst. Feeling-sorry-for-myself.
I called up my girlfriends and cooked up some plans. We decided to book a table at a fancy restaurant, dress up real classy & elegant, and celebrate love in friendship. We did that for a couple of years, and I think we often had MORE fun than lots of couples seated around us!
So 6 years ago, I walked into my office with my girlfriend plans in place AGAIN, but with a longing that had grown that year. In fact, that morning, I had wrestled with God, "Have you forgotten about ME? Some of my 21-year-old girlfriends are finding the love of their lives, and here I am, serving you, being obedient, and NO PROSPECTS IN SIGHT!!"
And then just the quietest of whispers.
That still small voice.
He's coming soon....
No qualifications. No details. No timeline.
So of course, I say, "What does THAT mean? 1000 years are like a day to you! THAT could mean anything!"
I tried to squash hope, but I could feel it growing in my spirit in spite of my heart & mind's attempt to suffocate it.
So I walked into that office with hope that day.
Hope in what I could not/did not/would not see with my natural eyes.
Hope had FAITH eyes.
My pastor's wife/aunt walked into the office that day and handed me a stuffed raccoon, with a Zorro type mask in the shade of red over his face, called The Love Bandit, and she said to me half-joking, half-serious, "The Love Bandit is coming to get you soon."
"Yeah, by this time next year, I will be engaged or married!"
What? Did I just say that out loud? Oh, no! I am not one of those CRAZY RADICAL FAITH people! Why did I say that OUT LOUD??
Knowing ME, she looked surprised, but then HER faith kicked into FULL GEAR and she said, "Okay, then. I am going to stand in faith with you."
2 months later, the man who was to be the love of my life flew from Africa to fill the children's pastor position at our church.
A little over a month after that, he asked me to marry him.
And 6 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days from the MEMORABLE Valentine's Day, I said, "I DO!" to that beautiful man.
When God says to trust HIM, to believe in HIM, to have faith in HIM, why would I doubt? I wish I could say that because of this radical work that God did in my life that I NEVER doubted Him again, but that would not be true.
All I can say is "His grace is sufficient for me, and His power is (and continues to be) made perfect in my weakness."
Today, I want to say THANK YOU to my GREAT BIG AMAZING HEAVENLY DAD for bringing me the MOST AMAZING MAN.
It is MY pleasure to KEEP saying "I DO" to him each day for the rest of our lives.
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because
reality is finally better than your dreams
~ Dr Seuss
I was 3 weeks shy of 27 when I got married. Almost ALL of my high school friends were married at that point, so I "hung out" with a whole new group of friends. The story is SO AWESOME, but the waiting was NOT EASY. People always want to know HOW to find or know he is "The One." Well, I don't have all the answers, but when I gave my heart FULLY and WHOLLY to the Master to let Him write my love story, He brought "The PERFECT One" for me from the other side of the world. And as to the "how", this is the best advice that I can give you. I knew that Arno was the One because loving him made me love Jesus more. And THAT is a love worth waiting for....I PROMISE!! Even when the waiting feels like TOO MUCH!
I am THRILLED for you to hear how The Father weaves His master plan to have that special someone win your heart! His stories are ALWAYS the best! And I encourage you...wait for His best...I did. And my love wasn't the first potential partner along the way...but he was God's choice...and I thank God every day that He preserved me from "jumping the gun" and being with anything other than HIS BEST for me!
Won't you join me at Faith Barista today and share your story on The One or read some other stories to encourage you in your journey?
What a beautiful story. I love it! Waiting IS the hardest part, but you had faith and that's all it takes sometimes. Congratulations on finding the perfect One for you. :)
Beautiful! I love when God gives us the faith to trust His plan. :D
Hi, Lindsey! Aaaw, this is sweet! Really. I love the "love bandit" story, and your aunt standing in faith with you. God is really faithful!
Thanks, Kristine! Me too! Me too! He TRULY is faithful...even when we struggle!
Thanks, Greta! I think the faith was developing in the heartaches and waiting in the years before he came along...and God is so faithful in His graciousness to me...to us!
Thanks, Cathy! It definitely bolstered my faith by having someone stand in agreement with me!
Oh my darling! I LOVE your story. I love "how we met" stories in general but yours is especially delightful. You know what I love most of all about it? That you WANTED to be married, that you believed it was God's plan for you and that you trusted in His promises. Have you ever read "The Mystery of Marriage" by Mike Mason. YOUR ROMANTIC CHRISTIAN HEART WOULD LOVE IT! Here is a description: "This is the territory this book seeks to explore, this dynamic correspondence between marriage and the great invisible realities of the Christian faith. It is not a "how-to" book so much as a "how-come" book, a meditative inquiry into the spiritual foundations upon which marriage is built." It's gorgeous. I hope that you will allow me to use your story at Mona's Musings with a Hint of Romance in the coming weeks.....? I hope too that you will check out Mona's Musings on Facebook for a Hint of Romance every day.
Aw! Thank you so much, Ramona! No I have never read that book, but I will have to check it out!
I would LOVE to be a part of Mona's Musings - a Hint of Romance series! What an honor!
Thank you!
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