My mom says she was reading a children's book to me {I LOVED being read to}, and at the end, the book posed the question about asking Jesus into your heart, and I said, "Yes!"
I don't remember that day, but I can only remember loving and being loved by Jesus my whole life.
I felt secure and embraced in that love more and more as the years went by and that hasn't stopped til this day.
However, life, trials, the proverbial bend in the road has rattled my faith and challenged my trust in the plans and the purposes that He has for my life.
So when I read on Emily's blog about the 31 day challenge, I knew that I had to go on this journey of believing, trusting, discovering His heart all over again.
My husband said, "You are at a stalemate with God."
And at first, I didn't like that. I have been a Christian long enough to NOT like the word "STALE" associated with my relationship with the Father.
But then I went with the chess analogy and I realized.
I want to be on the board with God.
I want to be "in the game" with Him.
But I am scared to play again.
Scared to lose pieces.
Pieces of myself.
And yet, as I {RE}discover Him, I am finding that the pieces that I lose may hurt along the way, and it may cost something....
But really he is not my opponent.
He is my advocate.
My "cheat sheet" if you will.
My computer "move" advisor
in the chess game of life that I often feel I am playing.
Today my {RE}discovery ::
He is my teammate, always on my side, making the hard calls when I cannot, and willing to run the race WITH me til the end.
Previous - Day 1 :: The Beginning
Next - Day 3 :: The Precious
love the analogy!
Thanks for visiting! Looking forward to your 31 days journey too!
Beautiful! Looking forward to reading more of your series!
I blog at 'Only A Breath', and I'd love for you to stop by when you have time. I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor". :)Have a great day!Melanie :)
Thanks, Momma, for the encouragement! And thank you for teaching me about Him at an early age!
Oh, thanks, Melanie, for stopping by! I look forward to hopping over to your place!
Thanks so much, Chrissy!
Thanks, sweet one!
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