My journey is not over.
My heart has not been crushed forever.
This season will not last.
The life song will resound again.
This is MY story.
HE is THE author.
He brings me into high places, greener pastures, rivers of living water.
How do I know this?
Because He was with me in the valley of the shadow. He was there when I was broken, lost, scared, hurting.
I am finding Him in ways that I didn't expect. He is restoring what the Enemy thought to take from me forever.
I belong to Him. He is my lover and I am His.
Yes. Tonight I rest in that awareness. How much I am His.
{RE}discovery :: Oh, how I pray that as you read this, you will know it too...whether in the valley or the high place....He is with you to sustain you, to lift you up, to hold your head up high, to remind you that you are not alone.
You Are His.

You Are His.

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