I have started this 31 day journey about {RE}discovering God, His heart, His purpose, His plans....for me.
And already I have felt discouraged.
Maybe I picked the wrong topic? It's probably not interesting enough.
Or maybe I won't have enough to be able to write about for 31 days?
Maybe this journey is futile or I won't really learn what I am setting out to learn?
Or maybe my writing is not good enough to be put out there with some of the really great writers who are joining up?
Maybe I just CAN'T do this?
Am I alone in this?
Feeling like no matter what I do, say, am, it is just never quite enough.....
And yet....
"All of You
is more than enough for
all of me
for every thirst and
every need,
you satisfy me
with Your love
and all I have in You
is more than enough"

Because He is more than enough, so am I.
I am enough because He loves me,
not because I am
pretty ENOUGH,
smart ENOUGH,
special ENOUGH,
or because I love Him enough if that was even possible.
{RE}discovery ::
I am loved by Him.
I am enough
You are loved by Him.
YOU are enough.
When you walk into a room, the beloved of the Creator of the universe has just entered the building.
That is who I am, who you are.
And that is SO enough!
Don't let ANYONE tell you differently!

Linking with Heart-to-Heart for Holley in her Tuesday series, "In God's Heart I Am...."
Hello you - so I wonder if you are questioning your topic b/c maybe you arn't getting the comments that you thought you would? (smile) I think your topic is PERFECT - it's about you - a broken soul - finding your footing again and re-discovering Him. Keep at it - even when you don't get the responses or comments you hope for- keep digging in - you have an enemy who doesn't want you to re-discover - and discovery takes alot of work - determination and commitment. You can do it!
Cheering from the sidelines!
Wow! Where do I begin....in this medium of blogging, comments and response are encouraging for sure. I think because of the topic that I picked that is so personal to me, feedback helps to encourage me that I am not alone. I think the enemy just uses the thoughts that no one cares or this is boring, etc to highlight the fears I already had about being open about this journey because I always have a thing about being misunderstood. {That's kind of a big deal for me!} So honestly, I still feel that maybe I am not representing this journey well or maybe I wasn't ready to be this open....but no turning back now...
But I do appreciate YOUR encouragement. I can see that the enemy does not want me to go in this journey of rediscovery, so I want to press in to see just what God has for me - large or small. Thanks for stopping over and sharing your heart.
Oh, I SOOOOO understand where you are coming from – as people in ministry (whether we are currently hands-on or in transition), we HAVE TO guard ourselves and yet we LONG to be transparent and to have somebody understand the total depths of who we are … and yet sometimes we can be so misunderstood. It’s the blessing and curse of ministry, it’s the blessing and curse of wanting to live a transparent life.
I can also feel your heart when you say, “So honestly, I still feel that maybe I am not representing this journey well or maybe I wasn't ready to be this open....but no turning back now...” I have felt that too and after putting myself out there had a thought … What on earth did I do that for … but let me just tell you – as you long to be real – every self doubt you have will raise it’s ugly head and make you doubt whether being authentic is really worth it.
Keep writing, keep speaking it out, the Lord loves your authentic and longing heart and He reads along and He esteems you.
Keep writing, beautiful girl! Your words make a difference more than you know. :)
Oh, thank you, Holley! This means so much coming from you!
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