This week's topic :: Catch
We walked out onto the field. The players all are in place. Everyone is ready.
Except for me.
Their uniforms look great. I watch them practice and I am astounded at their accuracy. Their movements seem seamless and fluid. I am in awe.
And I am supposed to play...HERE??
"No way, Coach. I don't think I can do it", so I duck back into the dugout, waiting, watching, wanting to play, wanting to "join" but scared that I won't be good enough, strong enough, fast enough.
So the beautiful dance around me goes on, and I look onward.

"Let's just warm up. Let's play catch, Lindsey."
I feel ashamed and embarrassed at my hesitance to be IN the game, so I slowly uplift my eyes, afraid to see His disappointment, but instead all I see is love, compassion, grace.
"Come on, Lindsey, let's play catch! You'll get back in again. It's okay. You're not done yet. I see great things ahead for you. Let's just practice."
I love Coach.
But more than that...COACH loves ME!
I feel safe.
I feel loved.
I feel freedom.
Just playing catch.....
....for NOW anyway. ;-)

Previous - Day 13 :: The Wisdom
Next - Day 15 :: The Whole
Just playing Catch... Kinda like my Dad always encouraging me to just do the next thing...
Great Five Minutes!
That was BEAUTIFUL! ...incredibly beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
Corine :D
Thank, Julie! I like that. "just do the next thing" I need that reminder for NOW!
Thanks, Corine! I appreciate you stopping in and leaving your kind words here!
Such a beautiful moment. I could feel the warmth in his voice, the love in it. Lovely, Lindsey.
Thanks, friend....He has been so PARTICULARLY patient with me in this LONG wintery season.
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