Growing up I often felt like 2 different people.
In Haiti, I was the white kid, daughter of "Bro & Sis" {Frere & Seour} Tom, who lived in the apartment on top of the school & church. I fit in "sort of" but I was different. Although I was born there just like my play mates, my parents were not, so my heritage and therefore advantages were in stark contrast to my friends.
In America, I was the missionary kid, daughter of career missionaries, Tom & Bev Brumbley, spoke a different language, and probably dressed different {although I could have cared less about that}. I was only there a few months out of the year, but I can remember as a teenager having unrealistic expectations put on me by my friends there.
Either way you spin it, I was different.
I never "quite" fit in anywhere I went.
Don't get me wrong.
I always had friends in both places, but it was rare to feel like I fit into a group dynamic.
And to be honest, that reality has never quite shifted.
And again, if I'm being really honest, it's hard.
REAL hard sometimes.
But I really don't think I am alone in this. I know most people reading are not missionary kids or third culture kids, but we have all felt a little or a lot different in some way, shape or form.
My mind wanders to Paul.
Greek & Jew by birth.
A dichotomy of his day.
He could fit into both worlds, and yet he belonged to neither.
But this is what Paul said at the end of his life.
In Haiti, I was the white kid, daughter of "Bro & Sis" {Frere & Seour} Tom, who lived in the apartment on top of the school & church. I fit in "sort of" but I was different. Although I was born there just like my play mates, my parents were not, so my heritage and therefore advantages were in stark contrast to my friends.
Either way you spin it, I was different.
I never "quite" fit in anywhere I went.
Don't get me wrong.
I always had friends in both places, but it was rare to feel like I fit into a group dynamic.
And to be honest, that reality has never quite shifted.
And again, if I'm being really honest, it's hard.
REAL hard sometimes.
But I really don't think I am alone in this. I know most people reading are not missionary kids or third culture kids, but we have all felt a little or a lot different in some way, shape or form.
My mind wanders to Paul.
Greek & Jew by birth.
A dichotomy of his day.
He could fit into both worlds, and yet he belonged to neither.
But this is what Paul said at the end of his life.
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:11-13
Philippians 4:11-13
Paul found a way to be content in every circumstance and situation.
When he was accepted or unaccepted.
When he was liked or disliked.
When he "fit in" or when he was on the "outs"
WHATEVER the circumstance, Paul says he "learned the secret".
I like that.

{RE}discovery :: I feel like the Father is teaching me "the secret" of walking in contentment no matter if I am happy with my current situation or if the "now" is NOT SO THRILLING. He is in the details!
When he was accepted or unaccepted.
When he was liked or disliked.
When he "fit in" or when he was on the "outs"
WHATEVER the circumstance, Paul says he "learned the secret".
I like that.

{RE}discovery :: I feel like the Father is teaching me "the secret" of walking in contentment no matter if I am happy with my current situation or if the "now" is NOT SO THRILLING. He is in the details!
And I want to be with Him
Previous - Day 5 :: The Lonely
Next - Day 7 :: The Ordinary
yet again---GREAT post! i'm loving this series. So glad you decided to take on the 31 day challenge!!
Oh, thanks, Brittany! You have no idea how encouraging it is to hear you say that!
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