You are NEVER too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream.
~C.S. Lewis~

{RE}discovery :: As I prepare & pack for Relevant '11, I can't help seeing God's handiwork, guiding, shaping, and leading me over these past months. I listen to my mom, my dad, my husband, my best friend tell me how excited they are for me. My best friend said, "I'm glad you're going. It is a sign that you are making your way through this phase in your life and succeeding. :-) I'm glad its bringing out the writer in you." After months of walking through a season of loneliness, that I believe the Lord allowed, I am seeing the beautiful light shining at the end of the tunnel. It's delightful!
Previous - Day 25 :: The Grace
Next - Day 27 :: The Belonging
I love that you recognize that God lets us go through things for a reason. :) I just read a fabulous blog about that yesterday,
And I wrote about it myself on my blog, too... :)
Corine :D
Praying that God will richly bless your time at Relevant!!
Can't wait to hear about all that you learn at Relevant. You can bring a tidbit of the experience back for those of who want to, but can't go! Thanks also for your kind words at my blog! :)
Thanks, Corine! I am catching up since Relevant. Looking forward to checking out the link attached as well as your post on HIs reasons....
Thank you so was amazing in so many ways!
Oh, I am still processing so much! I want to share it all in ways that translate well. Thank you for popping over!
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