Sometimes life is hard.
Sometimes you wake up in the morning expecting one thing and by the end of the day you are saying goodbye to someone you love.
Sometimes your day is spent in the hospital with not one, not two, but three loved ones with ailing bodies.
Sometimes you experience "the hard" and sometimes you are there to help others through THEIR hard, even if just for a short portion of their day.
Today was that day for me.
Today was a day that I could take a step out in those callings, desires, giftings that burn my eyes with tears or simply tug at the recesses of my heart and give love to those I love, when they were hurting.
I wish I could have done more, stayed longer, loved better, but I took my first step back into the game. I did what I could, what my body allowed for today, and tried to just BE THERE, like He is for me.
{RE}discovery :: When He is strong IN me, real TO me, there FOR me, He gives me something to give into others' lives, no matter how small or insignificant....nothing He uses is every wasted!!

Previous - Day 17 :: The Strongest
Next - Day 19 :: The I Am
You're so right, Lindsey! I have found being there for others has been key to getting through the "suck" of being apart from John. Hey, are you ever going to make it down to DC? I'd love to hug your neck!
Ugh! I think of you often with him being gone...."the suck" as you say is a good way to put it...! I really NEED to come for a visit. I have been thinking maybe next month?? But no definite plans yet...I will let you know for sure though...would love to see you too and give lots of kisses to Ayla!
My hard was made easier because of you. Thanks Lindsey.
I am glad. Praying for you all.
I think it's the being there that helps people feel His love. Praying for you through all the hard.
Thanks so much, girl! Appreciate it!
... nothing he uses is ever wasted ... Amen!
I try to remember that all the time!
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