Time for our favorite time of the week -- Five Minute Friday!!

Let's kick it with -- RELEVANT
For you?
For me?
For this world, this season, this time that we live in.
How can we continue to be relevant in this hectic, fast-paced, technology-crazed world?
And yet, how can we not?
We can change the world, right?
But how?
Tsh says that when your skill intersect with your passion, you find your element, your sweet spot, your place where you KNOW that you were created to do this, and in that space God smiles.
And I think...THAT is what is relevant to me.
When I see people living THEIR passion, dreaming THEIR dreams...I see Him...I see Him shining through, and I am amazed, drawn, hooked into the possibilities and potential that lies there. I want to be with that person, learn more about them, glean from their knowledge.
I want to walk in passion.
In relevance.
In delight with Him
and His story for me.
I want to walk in passion.
In relevance.
In delight with Him
and His story for me.
{RE}discovery :: He has makes space for my dream, my passions, my desires. In fact, more than that, He plans ahead for them, just waiting for me to catch up and see how much He has in store.

Previous - Day 27 :: The Belonging
Next - Day 29 :: The Becoming
Hi Lindsey! I'm popped over from the Five Minute Friday linkup. Thanks for your post. I'm in the process of trying to connect my dream & passion. It was great to read words of encouragement.
I skimmed your bio. I think it's super cool that you grew up in Haiti! My dad is from Haiti. I will definitely be coming back to your blog to read more.
I am so happy to be intersecting with that story this weekend! Yeah!
Love this! I just read your profile and feel like I can so relate to you. I was an MK and married a Zimbabwean and lived all my life in different countries until less than four years ago when we moved to CA., I have tried to live my dreams, within HIS, and it doesn't matter if I am relevant in many eyes......I am happy :)
Beautiful, Lindsey! Love this! So blessed to have met you, and to be here with you!
Great post! I so loved the Tsh quote! I enjoyed reading- great rhythm, great writing :)
Encouraging post, sounds like you are being inspired at Relevant! I am an ORU grad as well. Had a good friend on my brother wing from South Africa. Enjoyed finding out about you through five minute friday. Blessings!
Hey Lindsey! I found you on TheGypsyMama 5 Min Friday linkup.
"How can we continue to be relevant in this hectic, fast-paced, technology-crazed world?
And yet, how can we not? "I wonder this every day. Great post! :)
LOVE this!! :) Wishing I could figure out my skill AND my passion and make them intersect!! :)
I like your take on being relevant!
I like this post! I've been talking with some different people recently on our "jobs," and continue to hear that many people do not find passion in their work. I, on the other hand, LOVE teaching. I don't love grading, mind you, but teaching is what I LOVE. I'm happy to find your blog through 5 min Fri. I'll be back. :)
Thanks, Beth! I am realizing that more and more the older that I get that I wanted to LOVE what I do as much as possible...to LIVE in that space...in my element!
Thank you, Carrie!
Thank you! So what are some ideas of what you think they are....just brainstorming??
Thank you, Alyson! I think it is the advantage of the age we live in in MANY ways, and yet an obstacle in others. Thankful that HE is always RELEVANT in every situation.
Shelly, so great to meet you too! What years were you there? When did you graduate?
"great rhythm" - thank you....that was a writing tip from Emily Freeman at Relevant and one I would like to adopt consistently.
Thanks so much, friend!
Living for an Audience of One....that keeps us relevant...thank you for your insight! I would love to hear your story. I am going to try to find you by your name, but would you be so kind as to slip in your URL so I can make sure to find you?
I love my Annie!!
Sabrina! Yay! I am so glad you found me....what part of Haiti is your dad from? Where did you grow up? I have so many questions. Looking forward to peppering your blog with my perusal....if that even makes sense!!!
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